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Funding fine arts

Art in public space

The funding program is aimed at professionally working fine artists in the conception and implementation of art in public space in Hamburg.

Meteoritenwerkstatt, Thomas Stricker, 2000
Meteoritenwerkstatt, Thomas Stricker, 2000 Behörde für Kultur und Medien

The program “Art in public space” in Hamburg dates back to 1981.

Information on the application process

The funding program is aimed at professionally working fine artists, collectives and art mediating initiatives and actors in the conception and implementation of art in public space in Hamburg. The Hamburg program is characterized by its experimental claim to continuously question the understanding of public space and art in public space and to expand it through corresponding projects. Equipped with a constant annual budget, all forms of fine art that temporarily occupy Hamburg's public space can be considered. Anyone can apply regardless of their place of residence. All proposals are collected and submitted to the expert committee of the Kunstkommission for discussion, which meets once a year in spring. You can find the members of the Kunstkommission at the bottom of the download area.

Project proposals must contain the following information: 

  • A detailed project description which, in addition to the concrete description of the project content, should include information about the planned location and the timeframe for implementation and, if possible, illustrative materials. Care should be taken to ensure that the proposals relate to and address specific situations and locations in Hamburg's public space.
  • A detailed cost and financing plan. Please note: The cost plan must state the planned total amount of the project, any sponsors with the donation amount and own funds with amounts as well as the funding applied for. In addition to expenses for material resources, expenses for artistic fees can of course also be claimed.
  • Information on artistic career and previous work. If several artists are involved in the project, this information must be provided for each participant individually.

Please note: Projects that have already begun cannot be funded.

Application for funding / deadline

Applications for funding can be submitted in spring. Applications must be received by the Ministry of Culture and Media by March 15th, 2024 at the latest. Results will be announced at the beginning / middle of April 2024.

Online application

Please use the following application form: ONLINE ANTRAGSVERFAHREN.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide an application form in English at the moment. We would kindly ask you to use an online translator for the short passages of text in the form. Of course, you can submit your documents in English. To access the corresponding form, please select Hier starten > Bildende Kunst > Kunst im öffentlichen Raum and then agree to the data protection agreements.
Please submit the application in good time and allow about 45 minutes for processing (depending on the case).

Before starting the online application please keep your

  • balanced financing plan (income = expenditure)
  • project description (short version and long version) and the 
  • short CV of the main project participants 


If possible, convert your documents to PDF format before using the online service.
During the application process, you can upload documents in PDF format (e.g. the concept, the cost and financing plan and others).
As a freelance artist, you should generally find out about social security issues such as the application of the minimum fee threshold, pension provision and tax law. Take advantage of the services offered by the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft or the BBK Hamburg, for example.

If you have any questions about the application process, please get in touch with the contact person listed below.

Website from 2001 for researching art in public space
This website contains a selection of important individual works, memorials and projects. It is for research purposes and is a website from 2001:  Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Hamburg

Film on the history and development of the Art in public space program


Mitglieder der Kunstkommission 22. Wahlperiode 2020-2025

PDF herunterladen [PDF, 114,6 KB]

Förderrichtlinie für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum

PDF herunterladen [PDF, 2,8 MB]