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Family-Friendly Administration

Hamburg’s “Kinderleicht zum Kindergeld” service gives parents easy access to child benefit

The service “Kinderleicht zum Kindergeld” (“easy access to child benefit”) reduces bureaucracy and simplifies the formalities in connection with the birth of a child. The service is designed to eliminate trips to public offices, so parents can spend more time with their family.

  • Wissenschaft, Forschung, Gleichstellung, Bezirke
  • Sie lesen den Originaltext

Parents who would like to use the combined form service can simply hand in the completed form and the required documents to their maternity clinic in Hamburg or to Geburtshaus Hamburg. The institutions involved will take care of everything else.

The three-page combined form can be completed online and printed out - see Downloads.

If needed, hardcopies of the form are also available from your maternity clinic in Hamburg or from Geburtshaus Hamburg.

You can take care of the following matters with the combined form:

1.         Registration of your child’s name

2.         Ordering additional birth certificates

3.         Applying for child benefit

Following the certification, your child is automatically registered in the registration system, and issuance of a tax ID by the Bundeszentralamt für Steuern (Federal Central Tax Office) is initiated.

You will receive a printed envelope at your maternity clinic or at Geburtshaus Hamburg. Please place your combined form and your documents in this envelope.

After your child is born, you can return the filled envelope to the maternity clinic or Geburtshaus Hamburg. The envelope is passed on to the competent registry office from here.

The Standesamt (registry office) will certify the birth and transmit the application for child benefit to the Familienkasse (family benefits office). The requested birth certificates from the registry office, your child’s tax ID from the Bundeszentralamt für Steuern and the child benefit notice from the Familienkasse will be conveniently sent to you by post, within around ten days on average.

The child benefit is automatically transferred to the indicated bank account.

The document “Hinweise zum Service” (service information) helps parents in completing the combined form and contains detailed information about what is to be observed - see Downloads.

A list of the documents that must be submitted along with the combined form can be found on the information sheet issued by the Hamburg Registry Offices: “Merkblatt der Hamburger Standesämter” – see Downloads or refer to what is printed on the envelope.

Please make sure to also read the “Informationsblatt” (information sheet) issued by your childbirth facility - see Downloads.


"Kinderleicht zum Kindergeld" Kombiformular

PDF herunterladen [PDF, 375,6 KB]

Information on the Service for Parents (Englisch)

PDF herunterladen [PDF, 492,7 KB]

Information sheet by the Hamburg Registry Offices (Englisch)

PDF herunterladen [PDF, 134,0 KB]

Information sheets of the Hamburg birth facilities (Englisch)

PDF herunterladen [PDF, 356,9 KB]