Pro*BEA is a unit of the Ministry of Labour, Health, Social, Family Affairs and Integration. It is responsible for the implementation of the Prostitute Protection Act in Hamburg, made effective in July 2017.
As of 1st July 2017, all sex workers (male, female and transgender) must register in person at Pro*BEA.
All operators of prostitution businesses (sites, agencies, vehicles and events) must have a company permit.
The department is responsible for:
- Providing sex workers with information, advice and registration,
- Granting permissions for prostitution businesses (sites, agencies, events and vehicles) as well as
- Monitoring and controlling prostitution businesses.
Up-to-date information as well as information on the obligation to register for sex workers and the applying requirements for permissions for prostitution businesses can be found online via
Important Information for the Prostitution business / Prostitution business owners and operators during Corona-Pandemic
The Pro*BEA department is at your disposal for information, registration and consultations.
You can contact us via (040) 428 11 14 66 at the following operating hours:
- Monday to Thursday: 8 to 12 pm and 1 to 5 pm
- Friday: 8 to 12 pm and 1 to 2 pm
In person
Registration and consultations are currently only possible with an appointment. Appointments are made exclusively by telephone.
Consultations take place on:
- Monday and Tuesday: 10 to 12 pm and 1 to 5 pm
- Wednesday: no appointments
- Thursday and Friday: 10 to 12 pm
You can find us here:
Große Reichenstraße 14
20457 Hamburg
Directions with public transport
For inquiries about the registration procedure please send an e-mail to
For inquiries about the procedure for permissions for prostitution businesses please send an e-mail to
Postal Address
Please send letters to the following address:
Postfach 76 01 06
D - 22051 Hamburg