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22. August 2022

Unterzeichnung eines neuen MoU zwischen Hamburg und Buenos Aires

  • Senatskanzlei

Südamerikareise; Rede des Ersten Bürgermeisters Dr. Peter Tschentscher. Es gilt das gesprochene Wort.

  • Senatskanzlei

Hamburg and Buenos Aires are strong cities of global significance. Together, we can make a difference, and we have the obligation to do so. 

Cities like ours have the resources and expertise to pioneer solutions for global challenges like climate change and the energy transition and to spread them by means of city-to-city diplomacy.

In this spirit, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding between Hamburg and Buenos Aires in 2018.

Since then, we have established new connections and exchanged best practices in different areas, including urban development, environmental protection, and support for start-ups. Universities and research institutions have expanded their joint projects. 

In February, the University of Hamburg has signed a new cooperation agreement with the National University of Quilmes on the exchange of students and staff. 

Our HafenCity University is working with the University of Buenos Aires and the City of Buenos Aires regarding the development and integration of informal settlements.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today we will sign an updated Memorandum of Understanding, to intensify the existing co-operations and to develop new ones in the fields of sustainable urban development, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the development of hydrogen technologies, and digital infrastructure and smart government services.

I would like to thank Mayor Rodríguez Larreta for the great exchange we had today. Hamburg und Buenos Aires have much to gain from deeper co-operation and exchange in the future.

Thank you very much.