Refugees from Ukraine in Hamburg
Driver's license: I have a driver's license issued in Ukraine. Can I also use my driver's license in Germany?
Yes, you can use your driver's license in Germany for six months from the day you enter the country.
Registration of My Car: I have a car that was registered in Ukraine. Can I drive it in Germany as well?
Yes, you can drive your car registered in Ukraine in Germany for 12 months from the day you enter the European Union (EU). After that a transfer to Hamburg with the necessary documents is required.
Parking in Hamburg: What do I have to consider when parking my car in Hamburg?
In Hamburg applies the so-called resident parking rule in selected areas. In these areas, the use of free parking spaces requires the visible display of a resident parking permit. Parking in these areas is also always possible for a short period of time in exchange for a small fee.
You are not sure whether you live in a residents' parking area? You can easily check it on our website. Following this link (in German) you will find a detailed overview of all residents' parking areas in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
For people who come to Hamburg from Ukraine because of the war, it is possible to apply for a free resident parking permit for a certain period of time at the Landesbetrieb Verkehr (LBV). To do so, simply write us an email to the following email address:
Insurance of my motor vehicle: I came to Hamburg from Ukraine with my car registered there. What do I do in case of motor vehicle damage (e.g. in case of a car accident)?
If you do not have an insurance policy valid in Germany or if your current insurance does not cover damages incurred in Germany, the German Insurance Association (GDV) will cover the damages. This regulation applies throughout Germany until provisionally May 31, 2022. You can find more info on the website of the GDV by following this link (in German).